Original Research
Die invloed van enkele strominge en lewensbeskouinge op die ontwikkeling van teorie oor Onderwysbestuur
Submitted: 21 December 1998 | Published: 21 December 1998
About the author(s)
P.J. Mentz, Skool vir Nie-formele Onderwys Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir CHO POTCHEFSTROOMFull Text:
PDF (381KB)Abstract
The role of certain directions and life perspectives in the development of theory in Educational Management
In Educational Management, as in all scientific disciplines, a number of directions and life perspectives contribute to the formulation of theory in the field In this article the influence that some of these directions and life perspectives have had on Educational Management is analysed. The role and place of a Christian perspective is then described. The directions and life perspectives which will be discussed include positivism, post-positivism and post-modernism. Vedantic and Chinese perspectives on management are then discussed, as these two perspectives represent strong underlying religious beliefs. The article closes with a Christian perspective on Educational Management and leadership - a perspective which includes guidelines for educational leaders on the way in which a Christian approach can be developed and sustained.
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