Original Research

L. J. Du Plessis as Regsdenker

Lourens M. Du Plessis
Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap | Vol 46, No 1 | a1082 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/koers.v46i1.1082 | © 1981 Lourens M. Du Plessis | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 04 February 1981 | Published: 04 February 1981

About the author(s)

Lourens M. Du Plessis, Departement Regsfilosofie P.U. vir C.H.O., South Africa

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This article seeks to explain some of the outlines of the legal philosophy of L. J. du Plessis, without pretending that a meticulously coherent system of thought can be deduced from his deverse legal writings. Much rather the claim is made that his endeavours display a marked “environmental involvement", hence placing his contribution in the framework of

  1. the South African jurisprudential scene o f his time, and
  2. the mainstream o f twentieth-century Reformational (or Neo-Cahinist) thought.

Even though Du Plessis relies heavily on the Dooyeweerdian Philosophy o f the Comonomic Idea, he also shows himself to be a profoundly original thinker at the same time. The spearhead of this originality manifests itself in the way in which het intergrates a socto-eschatological view o f reality in his legal thought, to an extent unsurpassed by his like-minded contemporaries. The first part of the this article introduces Du Plessis as a jurist displaying a marked environmental sensitivity. It also attempts to contextualixe bis contributionin the field o f legal theory. The second part deals with the foundationallines i along which his legal thought had developed as well as the distinctivecharacteristics o f his contribution.


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