Original Research
Die sentrale openbaring in die Ou Testament en die Christelike grondslag van die Potchefstroomse Universiteit
Submitted: 22 January 1995 | Published: 22 January 1995
About the author(s)
F.N. Lion-Cachet, Departement Ou en Nuwe Testament Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir CHO Potchefstroom, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (425KB)Abstract
The central revelation in the Old Testament and the Christian foundation of the Potchefstoom University. The PU for CHE acknowledges the revelation of God in creation and his Word as its foundation. The issue concerning the focus of the revelation in Scripture is answered in different ways. Looking at the Old Testament from a revelatory-cognitive approach, the LORD’S own disclosure as “I am who I am” (Exodus 3:14) may be a meaningful response. The concept “I am who I am” has a incomprehensible as well as a comprehensible meaning which reveals our knowledge of the LORD in a great diversity (He is God, the Creator, the Saviour, the Holy One, etc.). In addition, Christ proclaimed Himself in the New Testament as "I am ... ”. This central concept opens up the opportunity for a Christian university to do scientific work with the full reality of creation as its object.
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