Original Research
Etiese kodes in ondernemings: ontwikkeling en implementering
Submitted: 10 January 1997 | Published: 11 January 1997
About the author(s)
Deon Rossouw, Departement Filosofie Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit JOHANNESBURGFull Text:
PDF (299KB)Abstract
Ethical codes in corporations: development and implementation
Ethical codes wiihin corporations have become increasingly popular in corporations over the last three decades. In South Africa too this trend is visible, mostly as a result of the recommendations of the King Report on Corporate Governance and also as a result of the postmodern business culture which some corporations have opted for. In this article important choices which have to be made in the process of developing an ethical business code are identified, as well as the main options concerning these choices. The article is based on a literature study of research on ethical codes done in the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and South Africa.
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