Original Research
Moontlikhede vir onderwysvoorsiening aan minderheidsgroepe in Suid-Afrika
Submitted: 21 December 1998 | Published: 21 December 1998
About the author(s)
H.J. Steyn, Skool vir Onderwysersopleiding Fakulteit Opvoedkunde Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir CHO POTCHEFSTROOMFull Text:
PDF (481KB)Abstract
Options for education provision to minority groups in South Africa
This article focuses on the educational rights o f minority groups. International trends in terms of the rights of minority groups have been identified regarding the right of unique educational provision, educational control and own education institutions. From an international perspective it can be deduced that South African minority groups can demand, without being discriminatory, the provision of own education which is to the advantage of the particular minority group as well as to the community at large. Minority groups can also request substantial involvement in educational control, which implies a system of decentralized educational control. These groups can also insist on own education institutions. It is indicated that if minority groups are not provided with the above-mentioned rights they can rightfully complain of unfair discrimination.
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