Original Research

Menseregte: Oorsig en uitsig

N. J.J. Olivier
Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap | Vol 51, No 4 | a947 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/koers.v51i4.947 | © 1986 N. J.J. Olivier | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 31 January 1986 | Published: 31 January 1986

About the author(s)

N. J.J. Olivier, Fakulteit Regte, PU vir CHO, South Africa

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In this paper an attempt is made to offer a survey of the present dis­ cussion of the issue of human rights. In the first place there is a ref­ erence to the traditional concepts of human rights, viz. the classic liberal, the Marx ist-Leninist (Socialist) and the Third World theories and their (pre-War and post-War) concrete embodiments in international, regional and national contexts. Subsequently the initial negative ap­ proach of the institutionalized churches and their later change in attitude - with special reference to the fundamental shifts in approach - are in­ vestigated. The Calvinist view of human rights is discussed within the framework of the recent debate among Afrikaans academics and politi­ cians. With reference to the viewpoints of Wiechers, Van Rooyen, Stoker, Jonker and Du Toit a version of views about the existence of a biblical framework for human rights is provided. The important publication of the Reformed Ecumenical Synod about the Scriptural grounding as well as its embodiment in a number of concrete human rights is discussed. Finally, some outlines are provided for a further development of the Scripturally founded view of human rights with reference to the Refor- mational ground rule of Reformats semper reformaiida est.


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Crossref Citations

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