Original Research

Kurrikulumnavorsing vanuit christelik-opvoedkundige perspektief

I.N. Steyn
Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship/Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap | Vol 52, No 1-4 | a904 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/koers.v52i1-4.904 | © 1987 I.N. Steyn | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 30 January 1987 | Published: 30 January 1987

About the author(s)

I.N. Steyn, Departement Didaktiese Opvoedkunde, PU vir CHO, South Africa

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In this article the author poses a concrete problem of curriculation and indicates how the Christian curriculum researcher will systematically re­ search this problem. To do this he deploys a range of instruments of perspectivist and contextual keys to knowledge. Following the argumentation of the origin of the research problem he comes to the conclusion that the Christian curriculum researcher pinpoints his problem in no other way than that used by the researcher working with a non- Christian scientific model. This particular problem search method, how­ ever, is religiously determined. The problem is also analysed from the viewpoint of the model context and with anthropological, ontological, societal and episteinological perspectives. The methods for the study of the research are then discussed within two frameworks, viz. the empirical way (ontological issue) and through the use of immanent, exherent, transcendental and transcendent criticism on theories and viewpoints about the coherence and the differences between curriculum and teaching-learning as phenomena. Towards this end work is also done within the universal and individual structure of earthly-created realisties as contexts. Finally the interpretation of data and the use of scientif­ ically results as final steps in the course of the research are outlined. On the whole the conclusion is reached that the Christian curriculum researcher should never look at the issue under consideration while wearing blinkers, but should rather acknowledge that this issue occurs within wider contexts and should be opened up from illuminating per­ spectives.


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